Additional Resources

The following enduring materials provide current education and practices on relevant topics useful for Harm Reduction Health (HRH) program providers and staff.

Harm Reduction
  • Educating Clients on Safer Injection Practices
    This 7-minute video describes the need for educating patients about safe injection practices including the importance of using sterile water, not sharing instruments used in preparing or injecting substances, and avoiding riskier injection sites. The video emphasizes the need for clinicians to be comfortable talking about their patient’s injection drug practices to provide guidance on safer injection practices.
  • Getting Off Right: A Safety Manual for Injection Drug User’s manual
  • A compilation of medical facts, injection techniques, wisdom from people with lived experience, and common sense, this manual reflects the National Harm Reduction Coalition’s commitment to providing accurate and unbiased information about the use of illicit drugs with the goal of reducing harm and promoting individual and community health.

  • Harm Reduction Coalition
    The Harm Reduction Coalition is a national advocacy and capacity-building organization that promotes the health and dignity of individuals and communities impacted by drug use.
  • Introduction to Harm Reduction Video Series
    This series demonstrates practical strategies to support the health of people who use drugs.
  • Nalaxone/NARCAN
    A brief video on how to use NARCAN.
  • Safter Substance Use Series
    These videos review the basic steps for how to inject, smoke and snort drugs as safely as possible. The videos cover how to prepare and consume a variety of drugs that are commonly injected, smoked, or snorted.
  • CDC Adult immunizations
    Adult immunization schedule, health care provider and patient information related to all vaccines. 
New Jersey Department of Health
  • HIV, STD, and TB Services
    The Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Program strives to prevent and reduce the effects of STDs in New Jersey through partner services, education, technical assistance, surveillance, and partnerships with local health and community organizations.
Preconception Care
Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Substance Use Disorder
  • CDC TB Information
    Health care provider and patient information about TB testing, diagnosis, and treatment.
Wound Care