About Us

Harm reduction is an evidence-based public health approach to improving the health of people who use drugs. Harm Reduction Centers (HRCs) play an important role in reducing the spread of HIV and hepatitis C (HCV), preventing overdoses, and connecting people who use drugs to essential healthcare and social support services.

In 2010, Harm Reduction Health Program (formerly the Access to Reproductive Care and HIV Services (ARCH) Program) was implemented in seven Syringe Access Programs (SAPs) based in community agencies across New Jersey to provide healthcare services and education to clients attending harm reduction centers. Services include counseling on safer injection, overdose prevention, HIV & HCV prevention, and STI prevention; testing for HIV, HCV, and STIs; naloxone distribution and training; and wound care. Clients are referred and linked for additional acute and routine healthcare as well as drug treatment services.

In 2022, the governor of New Jersey signed legislation to expand harm reduction efforts across the state. As a result of the legislative change, the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) Division of HIV, STD and TB Services (DHSTS) funded organizations, in 2024, to support the expansion of harm reduction services. The François Xavier Bagnoud (FXB) Center, Rutgers School of Nursing continues to serve as the technical assistance provider for the health services provided at the original HRCs.

View the directory for a list of Harm Reduction Health Program sites that provide health services and for a list of authorized harm reduction sites.